A major redevelopment of Northcote is planned by Panuku Development, part of the Auckland Council.

What’s proposed for Northcote focuses on four areas of action:

  1. a town centre with a vibrant heart
  2. Lake Road as a neighbourhood boulevard
  3. a greenway linking public open space
  4. more homes, and a better mix of housing options.

Northcote town centre will be redefined and Panuku plans to bring retail development forward onto Lake Road, and create a gateway with a new, multi-purpose community building.

To make this happen, the community facilities on Cadness Reserve at the back of the town centre could move to a potential new multi-purpose building (subject to feasibility and ongoing community consultation). Panuku could then sell part of the vacated reserve land to enable new residential development. The town centre will feature higher-density housing.

  In the Northcote Benchmark Masterplan which has been released, the plan has 3 key components:

  • A new supermarket: This is planned to be larger than the current one, around 3,500 sqm and has been located so as to avoid the Supermarket dominating the whole town centre. The supermarket building frontage to a town square would have an entrance an several retail shops.
  • A new Town Square, and
  • A multi-use community building. The aim is for this is to be a landmark building adjoining Lake Rd.

Northcote Town Square Render2 small

The new town centre layout is aimed at improving access for walking, cycling and movement around the centre as well as enhancing safety by increasing visibility.

The new proposed residential units in the town centre, together with the approved Skypath and Greenway projects, would help to increase foot traffic and activity in the centre.

It is planned to be a phased development, built block by block, although any commencement is still a few years away. 

Panuku also plans to improve public spaces by:

  • upgrading the Greenslade Reserve community sports field - stage one of works to improve the stormwater network got underway in early 2020
  • creating a new town squareclose to the multi-purpose community building. It will be a dedicated and safe space for events, activities and celebration
  • upgrading Cadness Reserve to include a children’s play park
  • investing more in public spaces.


Click here to read the Northcote Masterplan